Clean Ducts Matter.

What's actually blowing out

your vents ?

Yup , its a fact about 50% of house dust is made up of dead skin cells, hair and microbes

from people and pets.

These Particles can blow out the vents every time the fan kicks on.

Is your duct-work

a living laboratory?

Bacteria wont typically live on clean metal surfaces but give it a layer of dust, a bit of humidity and some heat and now you could have the perfect petri dish living in your ducts.

Furnace's need love too.

Keeping the furnace clean is critical to prevent expensive breakdowns, extra fuel bills and of course to keep air flowing through it.

Modern Furnaces are complex machines with Reheat Coils, a heat exchanger, Blower fan , motors and extremely sensitive control parts and sensors and none of these things like dust built up on them.

Its also important to note : planned service contracts with your local HVAC company generally do not include cleaning the furnace, usually they just change out the filter.

Plugged A/C and Reheat Coils

Means ZERO Airflow

Inside your furnace are coils just like the radiator

in a car and they only work when air can

travel through them.

The coils get plugged up with dirt, lint, cooking oils, smoke, hair, dead skin, drywall & saw dust.

Plugged Coils slow down airflow and cause your

furnace to run longer to heat & cool your home.

New Modern Furnaces with coils need cleaning more often, usually every 2- 3 years depending on your home.


1. How Often Should You Get Your Furnace and Ducts Cleaned ?

You should always make sure your furnace and ducts are cleaned right after construction or renovations , then usually every 3 to 5 years after that. If you have pets with a lot of hair or someone suffers from asthma or is sensitive to dust particles in the air then you may consider having your system cleaned more often.

2. How Critical is the equipment that you use ?

Its very Critical that Professional Air Duct Cleaners use the right equipment and methods. The equipment needs to consist of a high powered vacuum system ( Portable or Truck-mounted ) which always uses 8" or larger hoses along with a high powered air compressor with a min 175 PSI and 20 CFM.

If a duct cleaner shows up using a shop vac with spinning brushes, carpet cleaning vac or a "house central vac system" on wheels then that is the wrong equipment and the wrong method for professional duct cleaning.

3. What is the right method for cleaning the furnace and ducts?

A Professional duct cleaner will tie into the duct system with the large high powered vac system ( 8" to 10" wide hose ) and with the vacuum pressure sucking they will blast compressed air into the vents and ducting to push dust and debris back to the vacuum. After all the ducts are blown the furnace itself must be cleaned such as the blower , reheat coils , burners, heat exchanger, and AC coils. The entire system from the ducts to the furnace must be cleaned.

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Serving Davis Weber and Salt Lake counties

Kaysville, UT, USA